Oh, my aching back!
For anyone who noticed, I've been away from polite society for a few months. At the beginning of spring, I was hit by a car while I was riding my scooter. The scooter was totaled and I was slammed down hard on the pavement, landing right on my tailbone. Ever since then, I've been having back problems that have steadily gotten worse, until it got to the point where I couldn't sit in front of the computer for more than five minutes without excrutiating pain.
I had to get an MRI, where I freaked out at the last minute when they started putting me in the tube. I ended up calling upon my long buried acting training to get through the half hour I was stuck in that suffocating contraption. I pretended I was the corpse du jour on Six Feet Under and if I moved or opened my eyes, I would ruin the shot. The MRI tech told me that she couldn't believe how still I was. Ah, success. BTW, the MRI showed a severely herniated disc at L5/S1 that was compressing the nerves in my legs and hips.
So, I've been on pain meds for months while I go to physical therapy and got lumbar steroid injections. Now the doctors are whispering that dirty word "surgery". Can't say that I'm thrilled about that option. They're going to give me another month or so to see if I get any better. Too much pressure!
Anyway, if you actually read this blog, I'm sorry. I'll try to post more now that I have adequate pain relief (at least for now). I'll also try not to whine too much about my back or any other physical ailments that I may have, though I won't promise not to talk about medical stuff every now and then.
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