It's my happening and it freaks me out!

You know you want to look. You can't help it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Better late than never, right?

Like almost everyone else I know, I couldn't resist the temptation of broadcasting my every poisonous thought and hyper-critical opinion out into cyberspace to be read by mostly friends, relatives and crazed stalkers. What could go wrong, right? After all, if I get bored and quit (let's face it - I usually do), I can always just delete the whole thing and pretend it never existed. If only we could do that in all areas of our lives.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog! Nice look, interesting information.

I am the youngest of two daughters, but see the sterotypical middle child in the middle triplet. This is a sweet, sensitive boy caught between a very alpha male older brother and a very alpha female younger sister -- and the age difference betwen the three is only five minutes.

My sweetie (another very alpha male) says he holds the middle triplet in a special place in his heart. :)

6:34 PM  

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